Blog pieces should be less than 2000 words and can cover any topic with a Southern theme. They can be polemical, satirical, or informative.
Potential topics include:
· Southern music both in the antebellum and post-bellum periods
· Southern food
· Southern literature, particularly that written by lesser known Southern literary figures
· Southern politics and philosophy
· Southern art
· Book reviews on material relating to the Southern tradition or to the South in general, be it political or cultural
· Southern comedy
· Southerners in popular culture (actors, actresses, etc.)
· Southern history including topics other than the War
· Southern heroes
· Southern religion
For the Review, articles should be more scholarly treatments of a subject or subjects and should be a minimum of 2000 words unless you are submitting original poetry or literature. They do not need to include notes. We trust you did your research. Articles can be written for an academic audience, but keep in mind we are trying to educate the public. Most people will not read pedantic material. Think of Shelby Foote and his advice to historians: learn to write so people will read it. Popular writing has a place in persuasion.
Potential topics:
· The Southern founding (Southern heroism is not confined to 1861-1865; think Thomas Sumter, Francis Marion, the Battle of Kings Mountain, etc.)
· Great Southern literature
· The War for Southern Independence
· The impact of Southern political philosophy on America at large, particularly secession and nullification
· Post-bellum Southern political leaders (Gilded Age, Dixiecrats); this is a neglected field
· Substantial book essays, not simply reviews
· Southern theology
· Southern culture (food, music, art, manners, language)
· Forgotten Southern heroes (David Crockett, Daniel Boone, Zachary Taylor, Winfield Scott, etc.)