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Virginia First–The 1607 Project

February 16, 2024 - February 18, 2024

$599 – $1099

Virginia First-The 1607 Project

In 2019, The New York Times published the 1619 Project, a critical view of American history centered on the role of slavery in the American founding. More importantly, the 1619 Project argued that Americans had never lived up to the ideals of the American founding, including what has been termed the “Proposition Nation.” Is this true? Abraham Lincoln did not invent the “Proposition Nation” with the Gettysburg Address in 1863, but he solidified its importance to our collective understanding of American history.

Northern reformers latched onto Thomas Jefferson’s lofty language in the Declaration of Independence, leading many to consider the second paragraph of that document to be a commitment to their respective reform crusades. This led to two competing visions for America. One developed in the North and centered on a radically ideological interpretation of the American founding and that found favor among those searching for a “City Upon a Hill.” The other arrived at Jamestown in 1607, developed over several centuries, and was born in the Anglo-American political and legal traditions.

The “Virginia First–1607 Project” explores the importance of Virginia in the American tradition and offers a counterweight to the “Proposition Nation” narrative of American history. This conference will debut the “Virginia First–1607 Project” documentary film and book, and will feature lectures on the topic from Abbeville Institute affiliated scholars.

Join us at beautiful Callaway Resort and Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA February 16-18, 2024 for fellowship, discussion, and critical examination of the American founding.

Tentative Schedule:

Friday, February 16:

4:00-6:00: Check in and conviviality

6:00-7:00: Supper

7:00-8:00: Lecture


Saturday, February 17:

9:00-10:00: Lecture

10:00-11:00: Lecture

11:00-12:00: Lecture

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1:00-2:00: Lecture

2:00-3:00: Lecture

4:00-5:00: Lecture

6:00-7:00: Supper

7:00-8:00: Lecture


Sunday, February 18:

Checkout and Gardens

Callaway Gardens embodies the spirit of the Southern tradition. With 2500 private acres of nature, walking, hiking, and biking trails, the Cecil B. Day Butterfly center, the rustic Ida Cason Callaway Memorial Chapel with beautiful stained glass and a working pipe organ, Robin Lake Beach, world class golf, and exquisite Southern gardens, Callaway Gardens is a destination that combines the best elements of the South.

Registration is now closed.

The conference fee covers all lectures, a supper Friday, February 16, and lunch and supper on February 17 along with all day refreshments and snacks.

The dress code is coat and tie for gentlemen and cocktail attire for ladies for supper on Friday and Saturday, and business casual for the rest of the conference.


February 16, 2024
February 18, 2024
$599 – $1099
Event Tags:


Brion McClanahan


Callaway Gardens
4500 Southern Pine Drive
Pine Mountain, GA 31822 United States
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