The Real Robert E. Lee

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Join us for a discussion on Robert E. Lee. In the last twenty years, Robert E. Lee has been transformed from a respected American hero to one of the most hated men in American history. For decades, Americans both North and South regarded him as the model Southern Christian gentleman, a brilliant general, a patriot who did what he thought...


Abbeville Institute 20th Anniversary Celebration

Callaway Gardens 4500 Southern Pine Drive, Pine Mountain, GA, United States

Join Us to Celebrate 20 Years of the Abbeville Institute! The Abbeville Institute was founded in 2002 in order to explore what is true and valuable in the Southern tradition. In that time, many of our students have received advanced degrees, our affiliated scholars have written dozens of books, while our educational programs have reached millions of people around the...


Virginia First–The 1607 Project

Callaway Gardens 4500 Southern Pine Drive, Pine Mountain, GA, United States

Virginia First-The 1607 Project In 2019, The New York Times published the 1619 Project, a critical view of American history centered on the role of slavery in the American founding. More importantly, the 1619 Project argued that Americans had never lived up to the ideals of the American founding, including what has been termed the "Proposition Nation." Is this true?...

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