One Comment

  • Matt C. says:

    A good, interesting discussion. It’s difficult to disagree with what those men put forth. Yet, to me, it’s impossible to separate this talk, or any other kind of talk, from the Bible. Nationalism was the fourth and final institution installed by God by Gen. 9. Today it is still a divine institution.

    However, something extremely important happened in Genesis 11 and 12. And Romans 1 explains the reason for the judgement at Babel in Gen. 11 and the subsequent creation of God’s own nation in Gen. 12. Because the nation’s didn’t want God, they were allowed to go their way, and it’s not that they didn’t go to someone in particular. Whether they were aware of it or not, they did go to someone in particular and it wasn’t God.

    Thousands of years later, this fact has not changed. Nations and government leaders will be accountable to God because of the institution He installed. But no nation, with the exception of Israel, has ever been “under God.” That’s not to say that no government, like England or the U. S. has not been positively influenced by Christianity or “Judeo-Christian” values.

    So, it’s the Christianity of citizens, and more folks becoming Christian’s, which might make a difference in having “a good government” until the Lord returns and establishes His theocracy over this whole earth. It will take more than just reducing the amount of citizens a rep represents, or if there was any kind of secession, though it seems like those measures would help. (As far as Israel is concerned, they were temporarily set aside in Acts 9; however, no nation has replaced them. There has not been a new nation of God.)

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