Gnostics of War: Richard Weaver’s Traditionalist Conservative Critique of Modern Warfare by Jay Langdale

Mon, 14 Jul 2014 00:51:43 +0000

Jay Langdale

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Jay Langdale

Jay Langdale received his BA from Mercer University, his MA from the Southern Studies Program at the University of Mississippi and his PhD from the University of Florida where he studied under Bertram Wyatt-Brown. His dissertation titled Superfluous Southerners: Cultural Conservatism and the South was awarded the 2006 M.E. Bradford Prize by the St. George Tucker Society. The revised manuscript was published by the University of Missouri Press in 2012. He is presently working on a biography of the Southern intellectual Richard Malcolm Weaver. In addition to Andrew College, Dr. Langdale has taught at the University of Florida and Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk.

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