Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals can believe them. –Orwell
I believe you love me—God knows why? –Yates Snowden
Even if the GOP can’t see the light they can feel the heat. “We’ve got to protect our phoney-baloney jobs!” –James Fulford
For all practical purposes, today’s press is an arm of government. –Fred Reed
The instinct for Power is never about anything other than Power. It is not about Justice, Equality, Democracy, Freedom, Prosperity, Enlightenment, Progress. It is about itself, and for itself alone. –Chilton Williamson
Many intellectuals tend to be less talented than they imagine, and they tend to make less money than they think they deserve. –Karen Kwiatowski
The true division among mankind is between those who can distinguish what is true and just from their self-interest and those who cannot. –Unknown
Civilizations are founded not on ethical societies but on religions. –Cleanth Brooks
Back to work, and let well enough alone, let sleeping dogs lie. Good principles. –Robert Penn Warren
In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. –H.L. Mencken
I do not see the national flag flying from the staff of the sycamore,/ Or any decree of government written on the leaves of the walnut. –Wendell Berry
If only Longstreet had . . . . –O. Henry
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