Moving from arrogance to masochism, Europeans have endeavoured to chase away their old feelings of ethnocentrism , all the while flattering similar sentiments in other races and cultures. Great efforts have been made to break the course and coherence of time in order to stop Europeans from finding their likeness in images of their ancestors, to strip them of their past and estrange them from it. –Dominique Venner
Being of a people is the necessary anchor of identity. But a human group is not a people unless it shares like origins, in a specific location, commanding a space, giving it direction and a border between the inside and the outside. This location, this space, is not only geographic, but spiritual too. –Venner
Of 1,800 Massachusetts college graduates seeking to become teachers, 59 per cent failed a 10th grade test in verbal and mathematical ability. –Robert J. Walters
The University of North Carolina has admitted that its academic-fraud-for-athletes was even worse than the public had been told. It is now known that over the past 18 years, some 3,100 students took “paper classes with no faculty oversight and no class attendance.” Black Studies had hosted all the fake classes. –Walters
Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built—a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose their sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligation shrinks to the present tense. –Edmund Burke
“It’s not our job to decide the right and wrong of slavery.” Errol Flynn (J.E.B. Stuart). “You are right, Jeb,” Ronald Reagan (George Custer). —Santa Fe Trail
“If you find John Brown, kill him.” –Olivia de Haviland, Santa Fe Trail
“Why not let the South go? O that the South would go. But then they must leave us their lands.” –Abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher to an English audience, 1863
Whoever decides to be a sheep will soon find his wolf. –Unknown
Battles of attrition are the last resort of poor, unimaginative, brutal generals. –Eric Margolis