


The Priority of the Local

The online publication “Nature Communications” has an article titled, “Ideological Differences in the Expanse of the Moral Circle.” It demonstrates by use of a heat map, the moral priorities of the Right vs the Left. Using concentric circles, a heat signature upon those circles shows that psychologically the Conservative’s moral concerns are most intense at the center surrounding where he exists,…
Rod O'Barr
February 13, 2025

Upholding the Sabbath

Perhaps shocking to some today, in the opening decades of the nineteenth century the transportation and delivering of the U.S. Mails on the Christian Sabbath (Lord’s day) was a hot political and social issue during several periods. The first was during the War of 1812, when Protestant denominations – mainly Presbyterian and Congregational – and professing Christians, generally, protested the…
Forrest L. Marion
February 12, 2025